particle n. 1.颗粒,微粒;微量,极少量。 2.【物、数】粒子,质点。 3.【语法】虚词,不变词〔冠词、副词、介词、连接词、感叹词等〕;小品词 〔yes, no 等〕,词缀。 4.〔古语〕(文件中的)条,项。 5.【天主教】一小片圣饼。 He has not a particle of sense. 他一点脑子也没有。 fundamental [elementary] particles 【物理学】基本质点,基本粒子。
motion n. 1.运动,动,移动(opp. rest)。 2.(天体的)运行;(车、船等的)动摇;(机器的)开动,运转;【机械工程】机械装置,机制。 3.动作,举动;手势;眼色;姿态;〔pl.〕(个人或团体的)行动,举动,活动。 4.(议会中的)提议,动议;动机,意向;刺激;【法律】申请,请求。 5.大便;〔pl.〕排泄物。 6.【音乐】(旋律、曲调的)变移。 M- itself is a contradiction. 运动本身就是矛盾。 All her motions were graceful. 她的一举一动都优美。 The motion to adjourn was carried. 休会的提议通过了。 in motion 动着,运转着,活动着。 make a motion [motions] 用手势示意;提议。 motion study 操作研究。 of one's own motion 自动地,自愿地,出自本意。 on the motion of 经…的动议。 put [set] in motion 使动,启动,发动。 vi. 打手势要求[指示](to towards away)。 motion (to) take a seat 用手指椅子请某人坐下。 vt. 向某人打手势;向某人点头或摇头示意。 motion sb. away [out] 打手势叫某人走开[出去]。 n. -less 不动的,静止的。
The particle motion is dominated by inertia and gravity effects . 粒子的运动是由惯性和重力作用决定的。
Further, all the laws of nature that govern the particle motion are not known . 再者,支配粒子运动的一切自然规律也都是未知的。
The modern theory of particle motion was initiated by the italian scientist galileo . 近代的粒子运动理论是意大利科学家伽利略创始的。
His investigations were a necessary prelude to the subsequent discovery of the cause of particle motions . 他的研究是以后发现粒子运动原因的必要先导。
The particle motion is elliptical retrograde in contrast to elliptical direct orbit for surface waves on water . 质点的运动是椭圆倒转,而不是象水上的面波那样的椭圆正转。
The higher-order effects of the field on the particle motion give rise to anharmonic terms in the vibrational hamiltoniom . 场对粒子运动的高阶效应在振动哈密顿量中引起非简谐项。
A discrete particle motion - collision decoupled model was established in which particle collision was modeled by means of dsmc method 本文建立了离散颗粒运动-碰撞解耦模型,模型中应用dsmc方法模拟颗粒间的碰撞过程。
The results are given visualized . some particle motion patterns are given involving the effect of particle diameter , density and work conditions , as so on 通过对不同影响因素的考察,分析了颗粒直径、密度等变量对固体颗粒在渣浆泵内的运动轨迹的影响。
The single particle motion equation is established . according the state of gas - particle motion , the particles motion in the clean room is located at the regime of slip 通过对流态的分析得出在洁净室中悬浮颗粒处于滑移状态区,并以此作为选择颗粒阻力系数的依据。
" for the discovery of the connection between collective motion and particle motion in atomic nuclei and the development of the theory of the structure of the atomic nucleus based on this connection 发现原子核中集体运动和粒子运动之间的联系,并且根据这种联系提出核结构理论与